A Match Made in Heaven

Wow, time sure does fly! The last time I posted here, it was before I had to put the last of my three cats, 16 year old Zig, to sleep. Lots has happened in the meanwhile, including a very cool experience which ultimately resulted in welcoming a new cat into my home, with the help of someone who came through.

After putting Zig to sleep, I didn’t know if I was going to adopt another cat, just leave things the way they were and “enjoy” a hair-free apartment for a while. Apparently, someone else had other ideas. I kept getting this mental image of a sleeping Russian Blue cat for some reason.

I was considering the possibility of fostering a cat or cats temporarily pending their adoption. So a week ago Sunday, my friend Cathie (Zig’s former owner) and I had planned to go to Petco in Manhattan, and look at the cats they had available for adoption and find out more about their fostering program. That was the plan, anyway.

On Saturday afternoon, at the suggestion of another friend, I visited the PetFinder.com website to look through the listings of available cats. I saw a few that were possibilities, and then I saw HIM – an adult Russian Blue named Theo who was up for adoption at the Manhattan ASPCA. His picture in the listing was almost identical to the mental image I had of the sleeping Russian Blue.

I knew I had to go and see this cat, so I called the number listed for the ASPCA, and got their pre-recorded message listing their hours, and a bunch of other info about what to bring with you if you were planning to adopt (ID, phone numbers of 2 references, etc), and where you could find their downloadable adoption application online.

As soon as I hung up the phone, someone came through for me loud and clear. There is a song associated with a certain member of my “ethereal entourage”. It’s an older song, and not something one hears on the radio every day. Whenever I’m in the middle of making a big decision, hearing that song is my sign that I’m making the right one. I hadn’t heard the song in a few months, and I wasn’t listening to the radio. I had a music channel on the TV in the background. The song came on literally the SECOND I hung up the phone after calling the ASPCA.

So, I called Cathie, and we changed our plans to go to the ASPCA to check out Theo first. I got there before her, went to see Theo and it was love at first sight. By the time Cathie got there, the adoption paperwork was already in progress.

According to the ASPCA, he’s 8 years old, but I think he may actually be a bit younger. He’s GORGEOUS, weighs somewhere between 15-20 pounds, and he’s made himself right at home. I have no doubt that my friend on the other side helped Max, Trouble and Zig let me know that I needed a new cat, and Theo was the one.

Guess you could say it’s a match made in Heaven!

Theo day 1

Theo day 4

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