A Bit About Archangel Cards

My favorite to work with are the Archangel Oracle Cards, by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. It’s a set of 45 cards, 3 for each of the 15 Archangels featured in the deck, plus a guide book. Each card has a different picture of an Archangel, along with a theme and short message. The book contains additional inspiring messages about each card, as well and more detailed information about each Archangel, as well as how to connect and work with them.

I have found them to be the most inspiring and accurate for me, personally. When I first opened the deck, the first thing that struck me was how colorful the images are. Anyone who knows me, knows I like colors! So, I connected to these cards visually right away! I have been amazed by the accuracy of my readings, and the guidance I’ve received, both for myself and others. They always seem to give exactly the right message and guidance at the right time.

I’ve also found them to be very easy to connect with on an level, and to interpret intuitively beyond the text in the guide book. This is something I’ve struggled with in the past with my previous card reading efforts. I’d get the general gist of what the card was saying, but not much beyond that. With the Archangel Oracle Cards, I find that I get a great deal of intuitive hits specifically related to the individual I’m reading, and the current focus of the reading.

For those who want to learn how to give readings, I’d also recommend the How to Give an Angel Reading Kit, which includes a deck of Archangel Oracle Cards, along with an instructional DVD.

To see an example of what the  look like, you can click on the thumbnail below:


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