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Today’s card reading from #AngelsofLight cards
Today’s card reading from #AngelsofLight cards by #ambikawauters #joy #angelcards #oraclecards #joypics via Instagram
Today’s #angelcards are from “Daily Guidance from Your Angels” by Doreen Virtue #oraclecards #joy
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My #ArchangelOracle cards for today. #angelcards
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My #AngelCards for today. VERY spot-on and interesting. #oraclecards #AngelTarot #joy
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I took a bit of a breather…
Other “life stuff” like a no-longer-new new job, increased social activity, a few half marathons, 5Ks, charity walks and a bunch of other stuff has […]
Re-blog: Heavenly kick in the butt #5
I think I needed to read this today.
Okay, So You’re Gifted. We Get It.
A bit of a rant, if you will… Am I the only one who gets a bit tired reading endless pages of blatant self-promotion on […]
A Thought on Laughter and the 9/11 Anniversary
Yesterday I spent the 11th Anniversary of 9/11 with people who light up my world. Had it not been for that terrible tragedy, I […]